Sustainable leadership for sustainability leaders.


How big career leaps teach us who we’re becoming

On my 10-year Googleversary, I'm thinking about big career leaps.

A decade ago today, I made my first giant one: I left the Los Angeles Times (and the journalism path I thought I'd stay on forever) to join the corporate communications team at Google. It felt like stepping from a plunging elevator into a rocket ship. I learned so much about intentional culture creation, storytelling, relationship building, and organizational leadership.

As I took on heavier responsibilities, at Google and in my next communications job at Apple, I also discovered how much work my body and spirit could reasonably handle, and where my breaking points lie. These limits guide me today, in how I design my life to sustain my energy, health, and relationships.

Now I'm in my third act as a leadership and career coach. That followed another giant leap, off the corporate treadmill to search for something new. I love helping people lead at their best.

Each time I take a big leap, I feel it in my chest—anxiety that I'll fail. Now I know this feeling tells me I'm on the right path. Growth is uncomfortable. And it leads us to beautiful things.

What big leaps have you taken in your career? What have they taught you? And what leap are you longing to make?

Chris Gaither